Hello Sat Stacker,

I hope you’re enjoying your weekend and stacking those sats with laser focus!

Today, I want to share a story that might sound all too familiar—and shed some light on a reality that often goes unnoticed.

A Bitcoiner purchased his home back in 2019. He recently received an email from a property valuation service, proudly announcing that his home has increased in value by 51% since his purchase. Sounds like a win, right?

But here’s the kicker: When he bought the home, it was valued at 17.647 BTC. Today, even with that 51% gain in fiat terms, the house is worth just 3.7747 BTC. That’s a staggering loss of about 78% in Bitcoin terms in less than five years!

The Illusion of Gains
The email he received tells him he’s made a significant gain. But when we measure value in Bitcoin, the story changes dramatically. The truth is, the fiat system is designed to make us feel like we’re winning when in reality, our purchasing power is being eroded by inflation.

What Does This Mean for You?

Ask yourself: How much value will my fiat savings and investments lose over the next five years if I keep measuring their worth in fiat? The illusion of rising prices in dollars masks the real loss of value when compared to Bitcoin, a truly scarce and deflationary asset.

Protect Your Wealth

As Bitcoiners, we understand that true value doesn’t lie in fiat gains but in maintaining and growing our purchasing power over time. This story is a powerful reminder of why we stack sats and why staying focused on long-term financial freedom is crucial.

The next time you receive an email about your “gains,” take a moment to ask yourself what those gains mean in Bitcoin terms. And then, keep stacking.

Max out your side Hustle this Saturday


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