Launching our Bitcoiner Jobs Page 🎉
- 2nd issue | 11th October 2022

We are so excited to be catching up with you again!🥳
We are starting with a big announcement:
Our Bitcoiner Job page is finally live woohooo! Whether you are looking for jobs in the Bitcoin space or you are an employer looking to advertise your  job vancancies, we’ve got you covered! Click here to check out our page.
A lot has gone down in the African Bitcoin space and with us since we dropped our last update.
Today we will be updating you on:
- Recent African bitcoin news
- New Bitcoin job listings on our Bitcoiners job page🔥
- Upcoming Bitcoin meetups
- Podcast recommendation on African Bitcoin adoption.

We have a collection of interesting Bitcoin news, we hope you have as much fun as we did collecting them.
1. Namibia’s central bank says Bitcoin can be accepted as payment
a Window for Bitcoin adoption to spread like a wildfire has opened up in Namibia may have opened up. According to the country’s central bank, the Bank of Namibia (BON), although Bitcoin (BTC) is still not legally recognized, retailers and dealers may take money in this form if they are “willing to participate in such an exchange or trade”.
Click here to learn more.
2. Africa Has the Most Advanced Crypto Ecosystems: 95% of All Transactions Are Retail Transfers
Indeed there is no stopping Bitcoin, despite the animosity African governments feel and have shown towards Bitcoin, The African P2P Bitcoin retail is the most advanced in the world. Learn more here.
3. Kenya has made Bitcoin Mining Cool Again
Bitcoin mining and its potential to cause harm to the environment has been the recent attack on bitcoin but last week a video surfaced on Twitter of a micro-hydro plant in rural Kenya implemented by a company called Gridless who build small hydro plants of 100KW power capacity in which is much much more than the village needs then use the rest of the generated power to mine Bitcoin Click here to see the tweet.
4. Jack Dorsey, Twitter Co founder to speak at African Bitcoin Conference 2022
The African Bitcoin conference 2022 organisers tweeted last week that Jack Dorsey will be a speaker at the biggest Bitcoin meetup in Africa. Jack Dorsey believes that Bitcoin can alter the world and hasn’t been shy about voicing his support. Click here to see the Tweet click here
5. How Bitcoin communities in Africa are fostering Bitcoin adoption
Bitcoin adoption is not one man’s feat or something one organisation can achieve and this is why we support everyone contributing to the African Bitcoin adoption vision. here is a summary of communities fostering Bitcoin adoption and the work they are doing here.

If you love Bitcoin and want to get a job in the Bitcoin space, we’ve got you covered! here are some Bitcoin jobs up for grabs:
1. Junior Coder
If you live or was born in Africa, love Bitcoin and possess at least basic working skills in web and Bitcoin/lightning development, even as a hobbyist then you should apply for this role. You must posses the ability to work remotely with minimal management and a positive, can do attitude.
Click here to apply.
To see other availaible offers Click hereÂ

 Here are upcoming Bitcoin meetups we are excited about:
1. Legends of Lightning tournaments
BOLT🔩FUN in partnership with a number of meetups, hackathons, and workshops is organising an online tournament for makers to learn, connect, collaborate, and build innovative applications and tools with bitcoin and lightning from the 12th October – 7th December.
Click here to learn more.
2. Bitcoin Meetup Ethiopia
Paco de la India will be hosting a Bitcoin Meetup this Saturday 15th October 2022 at Bake & Brew, Namibia street in Addis Ababa . To find out more please
Click Here
3. African Bitcoin Conference
For the first time ever there will be a Bitcoin conference in Africa and stakeholders in the bitcoin ecosystem from across Africa and beyond will be gathering for three days at the Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City Accra, Ghana, from December 5th to 7th 2022. Some of the speakers include Bernard Parah, Ray Youseff, Alex Gladstein, Obi Nwosi, Anita Posch, Mary Victoria Imasuen, Paco de la India and so many more. Find out more about the conference Here.

 Abubakar Nur Khalil is an African Bitcoin contributor listen to this conversation on his thoughts and contributions towards Bitcoin adoption and development in Africa

Are you in any way contributing to Bitcoin adoption in Africa? If yes feel free to submit your availaibe Jobs, Blog posts, Bitcoin projects or anything else you might be working on for a feature in our newsletter.
How To submit entries
Send us an email by clicking the link provided below.
Include a link to your twitter account for verification
Send us a brief description and a link to your article, Podcast or Bitcoin project.
Note that we only feature African Bitcoin projects any project irrelevant to Africa Bitcoin development will not be attended to.😊
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